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If we break the glass on that frame- we are in trouble!

When I started to understand the power of vision, the power of prayer, the power, of centering and mindfulness and contemplation and journaling and speaking with others who are spiritual, I had clarity that let me know that this is an investment in greatness for me in my life. and it's not that I have not had tremendously difficult situations, however, with spiritual practice, I have a reliance on something greater than myself that allows me to feel inspired towards the future. Even in the crappy stuff, there's good. There's something happening that's evolving in me. It’s very powerful. And for me what it came down to is, and I don't know if this is for other women, but I'm assuming and I've heard other women talk about this so forgive me if I'm being bold, however, I feel that there's also this part of us that is almost frightened of freedom and of being an entrepreneur. And sometimes that feels really like we're out there, and it's hard to have confidence in that realm of stepping out into real independence. Also, that independence of responsibility can keep us locked into, wow, if I fail, what am I going to look like to the world? Yes, I I tried this and it didn't work out. Then what? And so what I did, and I can speak for both my spouse and I because we did it in unison together, we got really clear about the qualities that we wanted to experience in our entrepreneurial experience in the world. And that's so different because sometimes we, and I had before that, gone into processes of you know, I want to make X amount of money and this is my idea to do it. And so, the dedication and the goal were harder to achieve because things get rough and you give up, versus when you are in principle and really grounded in the embodiments that you want to experience in life. Then there's some transformation that happens inside of us, that begins to build the outside experience based on our internal ideas about what we want to experience. And so for me, getting into business, we started with a $50 bill that was framed, hanging on our wall, and we said to ourselves. If we break the glass on that frame, we are in trouble.

And so we had that $50 bill sitting in a frame and we would get up and just keep with the task at hand and in the question of how can this business create creativity, abundance, laughter, joy, and freedom for us? And so it's a willingness to constantly be thinking and not have moments of dormancy. It is a process of engaging less with the things that hold us back than the things that bring us forward because those are the things that can stop us. I can't do it, what if people see me this way and I fail? What if I look stupid? What if I don't accomplish what I'm saying to people? And then getting over that part of who cares, at least I swung from the fences. Who cares what it looks like in the process? Some of the things that I think are really important when we're beginning are to find the pacesetters. I'm here, I have a $50 bill and an idea, okay? The best way to leap forward is to find a pacesetter, someone who is ahead of you in a certain way that is achievable, because we have a tendency to watch a lot of the superstar rich folks and, you know Napoleon Hill always says that people will always assume you just were born with success. And so we forget the process of being in the process of learning to empower ourselves to be an entrepreneur. And that's free, open, and expressive. It doesn't mean we don't have limitations, it doesn't mean we don't have bills to pay food to put on the table, and children to bring to school. However, it does mean that our mindsets are centered on experiencing the sensation of being in the process of growing ourselves. So a mentor is a pacesetter that is not too far ahead of where we are, or enough so that they can teach us a little bit more about the direction. I think the other part that is super important is as soon as possible to begin to let go of the day-to-day doing things, let's say social media. As soon as one is able, begin to offset these tasks with valuable resources that are available.

This happened for me and I had to stop for a moment and say that if there's so much value in my outpouring to others, then it has to somehow be reciprocated to come back, but not be dependent on anyone giving it to me. And so there is a sense, of self-care that requires us to prioritize ourselves and to think of our passions, our drives, and our inspirations as being just as valuable as all the other people or requirements that are in our lives. I think that, where we are right now as people inhabiting this planet together, there is a need for a collective understanding of spirituality and that it comes in an individual form. Like first I become, first I explore, first I grow. And as I'm doing that, we become beacons of light for each other. And I think that the lights are going off boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom all over the planet. And in that realm, I also feel that there's a strong sense to go back to the creation story, to remember that Spirit is constantly creating. It doesn't just stop here and say, okay, this is the end of the endpoint. Now, you know, whatever has been done is done. It really is a beckoning forward to the heart and an idea that spirituality is about living from our hearts and being in realms that are empowering to people. Whether it's our employees, our families, or our communities, we can become a vision of empowerment. I have always been very gifted with creativity and a very giving person, but there is a self centered part of me that says, Hey, if I don't have my creativity because it's freedom, I don't have that realm and I'm not playing in that realm. I am stagnant. I'm kind of depressed. I'm a little down.

So it's super important to me to keep that time period of creative unleashing without demands or emails or different appointments and to schedule myself accordingly. Because creativity is what fuels, my soul. It's what's available as my spiritual guidance in everything happening in my life, and what is happening next. For the last five years, I have been focused on performance-minded living which can really debilitate us, especially as women. There are so many demands from relationships to mothering, to just having an identity as the paradigm of women is shifting, but it's slow going sometimes. And that performance mentality, which says as long as I'm performing, making everyone happy in my life, giving comfort to those in need. As long as I am doing this I have metrics that say I am a good person, I am a good woman. I am valuable feminine energy. We can get really trapped in that, and it ends up spitting us out on the other end and standing there wondering what the heck happened. What didn't I do enough? The person I forgot about was me, right? Spirituality is a feeling, an energy, a synchronizing of everything. It's Oneness, it's a wholeness, it's all of these things. And so the more we're able, on an individual level to do that and then align ourselves to people who are in the same intention, we start to align ourselves to all these other connections. We start to see that it isn't my superiority and entrepreneurship that gives me value. It's that I do this piece of entrepreneurship that can help someone else do it too. And they have a piece that can help me. I reached out, and I said I wanted to write for Divine CEO magazine. You said, please bring it on I want you to write. And suddenly we were creating. We are experiencing Spirit in this small micro relationship, but that's happening globally and it's always there. It's our recognition of I knock and I am there, that I'll seek and I shall find. I really believe that and know that it can only come through people. Spirituality is so unique. We share these interesting attributes and languages together, however, there isn't this push to say, well, you better believe in this deity or this person who is going to be your savior. I have no judgment against that. I'm very Christ conscious in my spiritual walk. However, when we begin to put a superiority on what is religious and what is not, this places judgment. Spirituality is a free realm that says I'm spiritual and you don't really have to explain it to me. It just is.

I think community is super important and I feel that not every community can supply every need. So it's really about finding your community, whatever it is that speaks to your way of being, and being open to vulnerabilities is really important.

I know when I first came into new thought and even the Science of Mind, and this is 30 some odd years ago, that there was sort of positive language that really forgot that there was an emotional aspect to life, and I'm finding that community is really about being real and also understanding that being real is the pathway to liberation? If we can't speak about the things that have harmed us in our psyche or in our hearts, then how can we be open to it? The other part is that it is important to pick and choose and create a community that reflects who we are. It's super, super valuable. You don't need to have 100 people. It's great if you do, but there's the part where you are imparted with empowerment, being real and vulnerable is maybe more present in small group settings. I mean, that's what I've done all my life as an entrepreneur and in every community I've ever been involved with. I never wanted it to be here’s Xena the minister. And so society-wise, this is really starting to happen. You start having a lot of grassroots community engagement that are bringing people out of their safety zone, into vulnerability, into cooperation, into collaboration, into helping each other, and into growing spiritually. It's a very organic thing that's happening worldwide right now. There is something so energizing around connection and community and creativity and communication in heartfelt space. And I think that this is the great awakening that is happening on the planet now.


Zina Kacha is a progressive and certified spiritual educator and entrepreneur with three decades of experience supporting women to thrive with their businesses. 



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