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Help or Hinder – the impact of our words.


As we all now know, the words that we speak do in fact create the reality that we see.

It is all about vibration, energy.  Whatever we send out to the Universe, the Law simply says Yes and that is what we then see, in one form or another.

These words may be spoken out loud or may be thoughts that we have.  The trickier part are the thoughts that we are not fully conscious of that are also sending out messages.  

This topic came to mind a few weeks ago when I was reminded that I tend to encourage others and yet can sometimes be quite critical of myself.

This had me thinking about the words and thoughts that I have, and just how aligned I truly am, within myself and with others.

OK, the remark came about what I considered to be a small incident where I was – yes, I accept it – overly critical of myself for not having done something that I had said I would do.  There were external factors that played a role and yet I felt I needed to be 100% accountable.  

We know that we are responsible for everything that we create, and at the same time, living this human experience, perhaps we need to be gentle with ourselves, knowing that, as Pierre Pradervand reminds us

We are at each moment at our highest level of consciousness.  

I took a moment to reflect on this perceived contradiction in my behaviour.  Why did I believe it was good to encourage others, and at the same time criticise myself?

Realising that this was a learning moment, I relished this time to really open up within and find out what my soul was inviting me to see.

After a few minutes of deep relaxation, I connected to both feelings – encouraging and criticising – and my body spoke volumes, all in a few seconds.

When I sensed the criticising, my whole body felt heavy, and I was aware of a slight sadness that came.  I was then aware of this lower energy radiating out from me – and we know how that can impact others.  

Of course, I could spend hours, weeks or more going over where this ‘need’ to criticise came from, and yet, all I needed to become conscious of was that I have the choice now to change this behaviour for one that is more aligned with my soul, with who I truly am.

Rather than criticising, I can simply see as the observer ways in which I can move forward, grow and be grateful for the lessons.

A few minutes later I felt a jolt as my thoughts moved onto the possible impact of when we are criticising other people.  Not only are we radiating this lower energy out from us, but we are also directing it at another person.

How can this ever be considered to be soulful, heart-centred?

And when other people criticise us, how do we sometimes tend to react? 

By finding fault in their sharing, in their being?  

What if we could simple see this for what it is – a sharing from one person to another of their perception? 

Does this mean that this is The Truth, or is this rather an opportunity for us to see if this resonates with us at any level, or not?

In the world at the moment there may be many reasons to criticise another person, group of individuals – no, I didn’t say Politicians 🤣 – and yet, we always have the choice to be consciously aware that we are All One, and that our words do impact those around us or even much further away.

Let us choose to contribute positively, to help raise the vibration of the Whole, with our words, our thoughts and of course our actions.


As a spiritual alignment coach, Linda Orr Easo helps people to reconnect with who they truly are to create the life they consciously create. Linda is a coach, consultant, trainer, Reiki Master, with over 25 years in leadership experience in large multicultural organisations. 



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